
About Me


Biographies tend to be boring, especially when narrated in the third person. So instead, I’ll tell you a little about how I manage to make a living from the music I compose in my room, out into the world. What I’m about to tell you is not to boast or brag about my success. I genuinely wish that my story serves as an inspiration for you to finally muster the courage to pursue your own dreams that maybe you’ve been holding onto.

As a child I aspired to be a footballer and trained at Excursionistas Buenos Aires. At the age of 14 I broke my hip playing football. The recovery was quite challenging, both physically and mentally. I was apprehensive to play again and have the same thing happen to me. Slowly, football became more of a form of entertainment than a life goal. I finished school and started studying Foreign Trade at University because I didn’t really know which direction to take my life. 

However at the age of 20, all at once, I knew what I wanted to do. After abandoning my studies I decided to buy my first piano. By day I worked to support myself and in my spare time at night and weekends, I dedicated myself to learning everything about music – playing the piano, singing, and using DAWs like Logic Pro to record my own music. 

Projects began to emerge slowly such as appearing on television, writing musical plays, working and producing for other artists, and performing at events/parties. Gradually I felt the need to start writing my own music. My first project “Heart 2 Heart Relaxing Music” was born, a world dedicated to instrumental music that you can have in the background to help you with relaxation activities, meditation, reading and studying. After slow but steady growth eventually I got the courage to use my name “Cristian Vivaldi” as a new artist profile. From that moment my musical career changed forever.

My first release was in December 2021. Since then I have set out to release music every 21 days to keep Spotify’s algorithms active! I reached numbers that were impossible for me. As of March 2024, I have accumulated over 35 million streams with my songs, have contracts with 4 different record labels, collaborated with artists of tremendous caliber, and gave birth to two additional musical projects. Listeners around the world have contacted me about how hearing my music changed their lives,  and that is exactly what keeps me motivated to continue to compose and create in hopes that my music becomes a source of catharsis, comfort, healing, and hope.

If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU for investing a few minutes of your life in reading my story.

Here’s to more music in the world.
